
Using eth_sendSignedTransaction

The simplest way to transfer funds between externally-owned accounts is using eth_sendSignedTransaction. This example uses eth_sendSignedTransaction and one of the test accounts to transfer funds to a newly created account.

Create a new file eth_tx.js (or run the following commands in a JavaScript console) to send the transaction. Before making the transaction, the script checks the balances of both accounts to verify the funds transfer after the transaction.

eth_tx.js using eth_sendSignedTransaction


const web3 = new Web3(host);
// Pre-seeded account with 90000 ACCES
const privateKeyA =
const accountA = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(privateKeyA);
var accountABalance = web3.utils.fromWei(
  await web3.eth.getBalance(accountA.address),
console.log("Account A has balance of: " + accountABalance);

// Create a new account to transfer ETH to
var accountB = web3.eth.accounts.create();
var accountBBalance = web3.utils.fromWei(
  await web3.eth.getBalance(accountB.address),
console.log("Account B has balance of: " + accountBBalance);

// Send 0x100 ACCES from AccountA to AccountB and sign the transaction with
// Account A's private key
const rawTxOptions = {
  nonce: web3.utils.numberToHex(
    await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(accountA.address),
  from: accountA.address,
  to: accountB.address,
  value: "0x100", // Amount of ACCES to transfer
  gasPrice: "0x0", 
  gasLimit: "0x24A22", // Max number of gas units the tx is allowed to use
console.log("Creating transaction...");
const tx = new Tx(rawTxOptions);
console.log("Signing transaction...");
tx.sign(Buffer.from(accountA.privateKey.substring(2), "hex"));
console.log("Sending transaction...");
var serializedTx = tx.serialize();
const pTx = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(
  "0x" + serializedTx.toString("hex").toString("hex"),
console.log("tx transactionHash: " + pTx.transactionHash);

// After the transaction, check the updated balances and there should be some ACCES transferred
var accountABalance = await getAccountBalance(host, accountA);
console.log("Account A has an updated balance of: " + accountABalance);
var accountBBalance = await getAccountBalance(host, accountB);
console.log("Account B has an updated balance of: " + accountBBalance);

Using eth_sendTransaction

An alternative to using eth_sendSignedTransaction is using eth_sendTransaction.

Create a new file eth_tx.js (or run the following commands in a JavaScript console) to send the transaction.

eth_tx.js using eth_sendTransaction


const web3 = new Web3(host);
// Pre-seeded account with 90000 ETH
const privateKeyA =
const accountA = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(privateKeyA);
var accountABalance = web3.utils.fromWei(
  await web3.eth.getBalance(accountA.address),
console.log("Account A has balance of: " + accountABalance);

// Create a new account to transfer ETH to
var accountB = web3.eth.accounts.create();
var accountBBalance = web3.utils.fromWei(
  await web3.eth.getBalance(accountB.address),
console.log("Account B has balance of: " + accountBBalance);

// Send some ETH from A to B
const txOptions = {
  from: accountA.address,
  to: accountB.address,
  value: "0x100", // Amount of ETH to transfer
  gasPrice: "0x0", 
  gasLimit: "0x24A22", // Max number of gas units the tx is allowed to use
console.log("Creating transaction...");
const pTx = await web3.eth.sendTransaction(txOptions);
console.log("tx transactionHash: " + pTx.transactionHash);

// After the transaction, there should be some ETH transferred
var accountABalance = await getAccountBalance(host, accountA);
console.log("Account A has an updated balance of: " + accountABalance);
var accountBBalance = await getAccountBalance(host, accountB);
console.log("Account B has an updated balance of: " + accountBBalance);

Last updated